3/1 - Guest Post: Ceasar Jones

Hello everybody! I’m Ceasar Jones and a good friend of Dylan Heuer. As mentioned in the earlier post by Heuer, a few friends and I went sightseeing at the National Mall in DC. Heuer brought his camera so we could take cool shots of a variety of memorials, sculptures, and etc. On the way back to the hotel, I had complete control of the camera and decided to try my hand at both street and abstract photography. After selecting the better photos, Heuer suggested I play around with the black and white concept for this set, and so I did. In the process, I learned some Photoshop skills that will help me a lot when I get my own equipment to play with. Thanks Heuer!

I have to say that I honestly enjoyed capturing humans being themselves going about their daily routine. It is a completely different experience from shooting subjects inside a studio because I can ask them to repeat their pose or expression. In the streets, it’s almost like trying to capture a rare animal in the jungle with many obstacles in the way and you might not get another opportunity to capture them after a very small time frame has passed.

Anyway, enough blabbering from me, here are the photos below. Enjoy!

Pillars at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial

Another one of the pillars at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial

Ooh, duckies! This was shot at the Tidal Basin with the Washington Monument in the background

Some random building I thought stood out

Abstract shot of a building

Yet another building. Ooh, shiny!

Candid shot of a lady before a car sped past

A suspicious construction worker