I had to shoot high school football again for my Sports Photo class, so I went back to the same school. I wanted to back to McQuaid because I know the area and the athletic director there was cool with me, so he let me and my other classmates on the field to shoot.
One of the things that I liked about shooting the game is the sunlight! THE SUNLIGHT! I love shooting sports during the day time. And another thing that I liked about this is that after shooting my first ever football game last week, I got the feel of the game now and I can anticipate the football action now.
Yeah I know I've watched a lot of football games on tv and I know the rules and all that stuff, but the perspective is completely different when you're looking through a camera.
Anyway, here's some of the top shots from the game:
McQuaid (black team) got killed by the Aquinas Institute of Rochester 42-0. I can see why, after all....Aquinas is the number one school in the state of New York and number 50 nationally.